
Prequalification of bloggers aligned FounderShield's content development with editorial policies of influencers

Value Added:

The team leader wanted to know how to outreach correctly. I helped him set a strategy to build partnerships for reliable building of backlinks.


Foundershield is a leading commercial insurance broker for venture-backed startups and high-growth companies. They wanted to build awareness and backlinks profitably and safely.


FounderShield placed a lot of value on structuring high-quality content on intellectual insurance topics, and they wanted to use this to ramp up legitimate link building from authoritative domains.


Suggested outreach strategy aimed at building relations, then leveraging those relations to build links by producing appealing content for the audience of insurance-related high-quality blogs.


Quality domains linking back to FounderShield and its blog posts has increased, and with this grew their page authority and traffic from organic keywords.

My Plan

Search for dominating content in social and search spheres, and use it to identify relevant publishers, blog owners, websites, social media, message boards and forums. 

Find and engage contact person for each domain and build relationship by providing what they are open to publish on their websites.